CanChild annual report banner with logo


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CanChild is grateful to the key partners for their financial and resource support: McMaster University, the Faculty of Health Sciences, the School of Rehabilitation Science, the Department of Pediatrics, and the Hamilton Health Sciences Foundation.



Message from CanChild’s Directors

Dear Readers,

Every year, compiling our data, publications, awards, and grants is no small feat. We owe immense gratitude to our dedicated research coordinators and scientists for their invaluable contributions. A special thanks goes to our long-serving Research Development Officer, Dayle McCauley, our Communications Coordinator, Abigail Atmadja, and our students, Daniela Klobucar and Hannah Nguyen, for their meticulous work in gathering and formatting all the submissions for both print and web. Special recognition goes to our Technical Support Specialist, Danijela Grahovac for website design, and Jessica Geboers for making these documents accessible. 

As you explore this report, you’ll find impressive numbers: over 120 publications, 230 presentations, 10 awards, and 36 grants totaling almost 9 million CAD. These achievements are remarkable. Yet, what fills us with the greatest pride is the presence of individuals with lived or living experiences and the consistent mention of “family” on every page. This epitomizes our dedication to making a difference in the lives of children with disabilities and their families. Our mission is to amplify their voices, conduct meaningful research relevant to their lives, and collaborate closely with family and patient partners to enhance their inclusion and participation in every facet of their lives. 

Thank you for being a part of our journey. We hope you find inspiration and hope in these pages.

Best regards,

Dr. Briano Di Rezze
Dr. Olaf Kraus de Camargo

Dr Briano profile picture

Dr. Briano Di Rezze, PhD, OT Reg(Ont.)
Co-Director of CanChild, Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation Science, McMaster University

CanChild logo
Dr Olaf profile picture

Dr. Olaf Kraus de Camargo, MD
Co-Director of CanChild, Associate Professor in the Department of Pediatrics at McMaster University and Developmental Paediatrician at the McMaster Children’s Hospital – Ron Joyce Children’s Health Centre

CanChild Logo

Research Highlights

Campus Belonging

The Campus Belonging project was designed to understand and address the barriers that autistic postsecondary students face and to enhance their sense of belonging.

Read More about Campus Belonging

Job-Train Program

The Job-Train Program is a summer vocational program developed through community-based research and designed to provide training and early paid-work experience for autistic high school students.

Read More about Job-Train Program


ENabling VISions And Growing Expectations, is a series of online workshops developed to improve parents’ well-being and help them feel more competent, confident and empowered.

Read More about ENVISAGE

Back2Play App

The Back2Play App will help guide children and youth through the CanChild Return to Activity and Return to School protocols by incorporating biological feedback, movement data and cognitive assessments.

Read More about Back2Play

Covid Time Capsule

Learning from the experiences of children with disabilities and their parents throughout the COVID pandemic to improve supports and services in healthcare and education.

Read More About Covid Time Capsule

Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC 2.0)

With a new MPOC 2.0 tool healthcare organizations will be able to determine how well they meet the needs of the families they serve.

Read More About MPOC 2.0

Transition Projects

Our Transition Projects aim to improve healthcare transitions for youth with brain-based disabilities by developing e-health aids & understand transitional care amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read More About Transition Projects

Project BEYOND

Project BEYOND (Body-function Enhancement for YOuth through participatioN in real-worlD contexts) aims to explore the impact of participation on body functions.

Read More About Project BEYOND

Transition Hub

Transition Hub network aims to “Create a knowledge network that.. bridge[s] the gap between current treatment practices and evidence-based solutions for healthcare transition in Canada”

Read More About Transition Hub

Family Engagement Program (FER)

The FER Program is for researchers (graduate students, trainees, research coordinators, investigators, etc.) and families (parents and siblings) who have an interest in child neurodevelopmental research.

Read More About FER

Telerehabilitation Services

This project enhances family and clinician experiences with children’s telerehabilitation services to address the need for evidence to guide its integration with in-person services as part of a hybrid model of service.

Read More About Telerehabilitation Services

Improving Equity in Childhood Disability Research Partnerships

This study aims to address the imbalance in childhood disability research partnerships by developing a substantive theory through qualitative grounded research.

Read More About Improving Equity


Growing into Adulthood with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) – this project is exploring the challenges that adolescents with DMD face when transitioning from the pediatric to adult healthcare system.

Read More About GrowDMD


Community Opportunities For Families Engagement and Empowerment: Play and Learning Accessible for Youth (COFFEE and PLAY) is an innovative initiative designed to improve access to speech-language pathology services in socially and economically disadvantaged areas.

Read More about COFFEE and PLAY


Innovative assessment of spoken language comprehension in children with cerebral palsy: Development of the Canadian English Computer-Based instrument for Low motor Language Testing (C-BiLLT).

Read More About C-BiLLT

Partnering for Change (P4C)

Partnering for Change is an innovative, collaborative, tiered school-based service delivery model developed for occupational therapists.

Read More About P4C

F-words for Child Development

The F-Words team has launched a successful online training program and continues to make significant strides in F-words implementation studies and initiatives to empower child development through holistic, strengths-based approaches.

Read More About F-Words


CP-NET project, will connect children with Cerebral Palsy and their families to a network of world-renowned researchers from across Ontario, and across scientific disciplines to improve the understanding of CP and accelerate the development of new treatments.

Read More About CP-NET

CBC Kids

The CBC Kids Project explores how children experience closed captioning in television. It aims to understand the current landscape, identify gaps and barriers, discover alternatives, and learn about children’s preferences.

Read More About CBC Kids

Functioning in Down Syndrome

This study explores functioning in children with Down syndrome using a comprehensive biopsychosocial assessment to describe their participation levels, identify barriers and facilitators to involvement, and influences on activity. 

Read More About Functioning in Down Syndrome

The Centre

Founded in 1989 at McMaster University, CanChild is a world leader in the field of childhood disability. Below we have highlighted our team and partners who contributed to our success in 2023!


Briano DiRezze (McMaster University)
Olaf Kraus de Camargo
(McMaster University)


Mary Law (McMaster University)
Peter Rosenbaum
(McMaster University)


Dana Anaby (McGill University)
Laura Brunton (Western University)
Chantel Camden (University of Sherbrooke)
Wenonah Campbell (McMaster University)
Eyal Cohen (University of Toronto)
BJ Cunningham (Western University)
Carol DeMatteo (McMaster University)
Jan Willem Gorter (McMaster University)
Marjolijn Ketelaar (University Medical Center Utrecht)
Mary Khetani (University of Illinois Chicago)
Anne Klassen (McMaster University)
Danielle Levac (University of Montreal)
Robert Palisano (Drexel University)
Michelle Phoenix (McMaster University)
Gabriel Ronen (McMaster University)
Brian Timmons (McMaster University)
Sandra VanderKaay (McMaster University)

Scientist Emeritus

Doreen Bartlett (Western University)
Johanna Darrah (University of Alberta)
Marilyn Kertoy (Western University)
Cheryl Missiuna (McMaster University)
Dianne Russell (McMaster University)
Debra Stewart (McMaster University)
Nancy Thomas-Stonell (Bloorview Research Institute)
Stephen Walter (McMaster University)

Associate Members

Gary Bedell (Tufts University)
Sheila Bennett (Brock University)
Jan Burke-Gaffney (McMaster University)
John Cairney (The University of Queensland)
Lisa Chiarello (Drexel University)
Wendy Coster (Boston University)
Nora Fayed (Queen’s University)
Darcy Fehlings (University of Toronto)
Mark Ferro (University of Waterloo)
Robin Gaines (Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario)
Barbara Gibson (University of Toronto)
Adrienne Harvey (Royal Children’s Hospital)
Sandy Hodgetts (University of Alberta)
Christine Imms (Australian Catholic University)
Lynn Jeffries (University of Oklahoma)
Marian Jongmans (Utrecht University)
Gillian King (Bloorview Research Institute)
Dafna Kohen (Statistics Canada)
Niina Kolehmainen (Newcastle University)
Lena Krumlinde-Sundholm (Karolinska Institutet)
Matthew Kwan (Brock University)
Lucyna Lach (McGill University)
Alyssa LaForme Fiss (Mercer University)
Sanjay Mahant (Hospital for Sick Kids)
Lívia Magalhães (Federal University of Minas Gerais)
Ronit Mesterman (McMaster University)
Chris Morris (University of Exeter)
Eva Nordmark (Lund University)
Iona Novak (University Notre Dame)
Barbara Piskur (Zuyd University)
Christelle Pons (Université de Bretagne Occidentale)
Keiko Shikako-Thomas (McGill University)
Olaf Verschuren (Rehabilitation Centre de Hoogstraat)
Jonathan Weiss (York University)
Sarah Westcott McCoy (University of Washington)
Virginia Wright (Bloorview Research Institute)
Lonnie Zwaigenbaum (University of Alberta)
Jill Zwicker (University of British Columbia)

CanChild Staff

Abigail Atmadja, Communications Coordinator
Samantha Dong, Website and Communications Assistant (until March 2023)
Jessica Geboers, Website and Communications Assistant
Danijela Grahovac, Technical Support Specialist
Anne MacLeod, Administrative Assistant
Dayle McCauley, Research Development Officer
Sanjana Sundar, Social Media and Digital Content Coordinator
Rachel Teplicky, Business & Engagement Officer
Laura Turner, Clinician Consultant
Marilyn Wright, Clinician Consultant

Research Staff/Assistants

Melda Coskun, CBC Project
Leah Dix, P4C Project
Cindy DeCola, P4C Project
Barb Galuppi, CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot, BEYOND & COVID and Transition Projects
Oksana Hlyva, JTP Project
Sarah Hopmans, CP-NET, C-BiLLT & F-words Projects
Debbie Hughes, ENVISAGE & F-words Projects
Hayli Jang, JTP Project
Annie Jiang, P4C Project
Shannon Lane, P4C Project
Carrie Leo, JTP Project
Rachel Martens, Family Engagement in Research Project
Lynda Moore, Family Engagement in Research & F-words Projects
Christiana Okyere, P4C Project
Samantha Perrotta, Back to Play Project
Sara Pot, F-words & Family Engagement in Research Projects
Sandra Sahagian Whalen, P4C Project
Alice Soper, Family Engagement in Research Project
Kathy Stazyk, Back to Play Project
Amanda St. Dennis, Family Engagement in Research Project
Sonya Strohm, CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Project
Anya Swain, COVID Time Capsule & GrowDMD Projects
Sarah Terreberry, P4C Projects
Vanessa Tomas, F-Words Project
Jessica Vandenbussche, JTP Project
Sarah Wellman-Earl, MPOC 2.0 Project

Student Research Assistants

Alisha Ahmed
Sarah Ali
Hamda Altaf
Amelia Brushett
Carmen Kalo
Maliah Leblanc
Isha Mehreen
Hannah Nguyen
Lucy Thomas
Beverly Tran
Brittany Zaretsky
Richard Zheng

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Christina Belza (Supervised by Eyal Cohen)
Victoria Boyd (Supervised by Wenonah Campbell)
Paula Chagas (Supervised by Peter Rosenbaum)
Carly Cermak (Supervised by BJ Cunningham)
Andrea Cross (Supervised by Jan Willem Gorter) until November 2023
Pegah Firouzeh (Supervised by Briano DiRezze)
Matt Freeman (Supervised by Briano DiRezze)
Samory Houzangbe (Supervised by Danielle Levac)
Karen Hurtubise (Supervised by Michelle Phoenix)
Zoey Leyland (Supervised by BJ Cunningham)
Samantha Micsinszki (Supervised by Michelle Phoenix)
Monika Novak Pavlic (Supervised by Michelle Phoenix & Gillian King)
Linda Nguyen (Supervised by Keiko Shikako Thomas, Jan Willem Gorter & Marjolijn Ketelaar)
Annie Pouliot (Supervised by Danielle Levac)
Kinga Pozniak (Supervised by Jan Willem Gorter)
Enid Selkirk (Supervised by Wenonah Campbell) until March 2023
Bhanu Sharma (Supervised by Brian Timmons)
Michal Waisman-Nitzan (Supervised by Dana Anaby)

PhD Students

Maddy Byra (Supervised by Brian Timmons)
Peter Cahill (Supervised by Wenonah Campbell) graduated in 2023
June Coan-Brill (Supervised by BJ Cunningham)
Dinesh Ghatamaneni (Supervised by Laura Brunton)
Caroline Hui (Supervised by Dana Anaby)
Lina Ianni (Supervised by Dana Anaby & Chantal Camden)
Meaghan Lewcock (Supervised by BJ Cunningham)
Jia Lu Lin (Supervised by Eyal Cohen)
Inge Klatte (Supervised by Marjolijn Ketelaar)
Dorinde Korteling (Supervised by Marjolijn Ketelaar)
Basiliki Passaretti (Supervised by Wenonah Campbell)
Nathalie Patty (Supervised by Marjolijn Ketelaar)
Diane Peterson (Supervised by Michelle Phoenix)
Meaghan Reitzel (Supervised by Michelle Phoenix)
Lineke Rehorst (Supervised by Marjolijn Ketelaar)
Kari Renahan (Supervised by Wenonah Campbell)
Kathryn Hatherly (Supervised by BJ Cunningham)
Mallory Ryan (Supervised by Dana Anaby)
Eline Scholten (Supervised by Marjolijn Ketelaar)
Liesbeth Segers (Supervised by Marjolijn Ketelaar)
Sureka Selvakumaran (Supervised by Briano DiRezze)
Saeideh Shahin (Supervised by Dana Anaby)
Ingrid Singer (Supervised by Jan Willem Gorter)
Alice Soper (Supervised by Peter Rosenbaum)
Stephanie Tremblay (Supervised by Dana Anaby)
Nathalie Trottier (Supervised by Chantal Camden)
Jet van der Kemp (Supervised by Marjolijn Ketelaar)
Maren van Rijssen (Supervised by Marjolijn Ketelaar)

Family & Youth Advisors/Co-Investigators

Brenda Agnew, F-words & C-BiLLT Project, & CP-NET Program
Dana Arafeh, CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Project
Musa Arafeh, CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Project
Elizabeth Chambers, MPOC 2.0 & ENVISAGE Projects
Kyle Chambers, CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Project
Crystal Chin, CP-NET Program
Rosarie Coughlan, CP-NET Program
Genevieve Currie, COVID Time Capsule
Claire Dawe McCord, CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Project
Amanda Doherty-Kirby, COVID Time Capsule & Youth Engagement in Research Projects
Michael Frost, CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Project
Kathy Fruck, CP-NET Program
Jessica Geboers, COVID and Transition, Youth Engagement in Research & CP-NET Projects
Danijela Grahovac, F-words, COVID and Transition, COVID Time Capsule & C-BiLLT Projects
Vasilije Grahovac, COVID Time Capsule Youth Advisor
Julia Hanes, CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Project
Jessica Havens, CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Project
Dilshad Kassam-Lallani, COVID and Transition Project & Transition Hub Family Steering Committee Advisor
Zach Kirby, COVID Time Capsule Youth Advisor
Marion Knutson, ENVISAGE Project
Manda Krpan Mesic, CP-NET Program
Dr. Victor Kuperman, CBC Project
Callum LaCour, COVID Time Capsule Youth Advisor
Jeanine Lebsack, COVID Time Capsule Project
Maddox Lebsack, COVID Time Capsule Youth Advisor
Stephanie LeClerc, F-words Project
Ali Martens, MPOC 2.0 Project
Rachel Martens, MPOC 2.0, ENVISAGE Projects, & Family Engagement in Research Projects
Susan McCoy, CP-NET Program
Lynda Moore, F-words Project
JoAnne Mosel, F-words & CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Projects
Kinga Pozniak, CP-NET Program & CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Projects
Connie Putterman, Family Engagement in Research, MPOC 2.0 & CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Projects
Kelsey Seguin, CP-NET Project
Heather Shearer, CP-NET Program
Amanda St. Dennis, CP-NET, Youth Engagement in Research Projects, Transition Hub Youth Steering Committee Member, & Family Engagement in Research Projects
Danny Steeves, CP-NET & Youth Engagement in Research Projects
Nathan Tasker, CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Project
Carina Vogel, CP-NET Program
Kasia Swieczkowska, F-words Project
Donna Thomson, Family Engagement in Research & CHILD-BRIGHT READYorNot Projects
Natasha Trehan, Youth Engagement in Research Project
Jaime Winkler, ENVISAGE-SP Project

Advisory Board Members

Ian Buchanan
Jennifer Crowson
Susanne Flett
Jonathan Lu
David Mosher
Peter Rosenbaum
Nathasha Trehan

Scientific Advisory Board

Olaf Kraus de Camargo, Co-Director
Briano Di Rezze, Co-Director
Peter Rosenbaum, Co-founder
Wenonah Campbell, Scientist
Mary Khetani, Scientist
Dayle McCauley, Research Development Officer
Brian Timmons, Scientist
Robert Palisano, Scientist

School of Rehabilitation Science

Dina Brooks, Vice Dean
Zrinka Granic, Director of Administration

Department of Pediatrics

Angelo Mikrogianakis, Chair
Gunjan Srivistava, Director of Administratio

Faculty of Health Sciences

Jonathan Bramson, Vice-Dean, Health Sciences, Research



CanChild proudly collaborates with the following key organizations to generate knowledge and transform lives:

   Logo for Empowered Kids Ontario Logo for Bloorview Research Institute  
  Logo for McMaster Autism Research Team Logo for Offord Center for Child Studies  
  Logo for Ontario Brain Institute Logo for Child-Bright Network  
  Logo for Kids Brain Health Network McMaster Childrens Hospital Logo  

By the Numbers

Click on each button to learn more about CanChild’s success in securing funding, publishing papers, and disseminating findings in 2023!


122 Publications

Click here to view our Publications


229 Presentations

Click here to view our Presentations


36 Grants       

Click here to view our Grants


633K Operating Budget

Click here to view details



Click here to view our Engagement


10 Awards    

Click here to view our Awards

CanChild at Work and Play!

Peter's B-day Party
with CanChild Team
Peter's B-day Party with CanChild Team
Dr. Olaf Kraus de Camargo presenting in Turkey
Dr. Olaf Kraus de Camargo presenting in Turkey
Peter's cake
Peter's cake
Gathering to celebrate Alice Soper's award
Gathering to celebrate Alice Soper's award
Back 2 play team presenting
Back 2 play team presenting
CanChild team members presenting at AACPDM in Chicago
CanChild team members presenting at AACPDM in Chicago
Danijela presenting at EKO Symposium
Danijela presenting at EKO Symposium
CanChild team members having a fun time at AACPDM in Chicago
Fun time at AACPDM in Chicago
Summer party
Summer party
EKO Symposium 2023
EKO Symposium 2023
CanChild team at EKO symposium
CanChild team at EKO Symposium
Rachel Teplicky Tribute Award for Partnership
Rachel Teplicky Tribute Award for Partnership
CanChild team members at AACPDM in Chicago
CanChild team at AACPDM in Chicago
CanChild Booth at SMILE Canada event
CanChild Booth at SMILE Canada event
CanChild Christmas party
CanChild Christmas party
CanChild Christmas party
CanChild Christmas party
CanChild Christmas party
CanChild Christmas party

Your Support Matters

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Your gift will directly support our programs and the communities we serve.

Together, let’s celebrate our past achievements and gear up for future successes!

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Produced & Designed by Abigail Atmadja, Jessica Geboers, Danijela Grahovac, Daniela Klobucar, Dayle McCauley and Hannah Nguyen.

Special thank you to all CanChild members and staff who contributed to this report!